My three goals

It’s safe to say my blog has been slightly abandoned lately, with work experience and university deadlines taking up the majority of my time.  I’m taking part in Blogging 201 this month to get back into it, and today’s challenge is a great way to start. So here are my three goals that I want to achieve…

  1. Write at least one blog post a week
  2. Aim to comment on at least one post a day three posts a week (tried one a day but it just wasn’t realistic with my busy time schedule!)
  3. Increase my number of followers to 50 by the end of March

Not the most challenging goals, but right now it’s just about balancing my time and making myself a realistic blogging schedule. If I manage to stick to these goals by the end of March then I will set myself new and more aspiring ones 🙂 Looking forward to getting back into it!